Useful recipes for vegetable juice

06/06/2012 16:27


You can easily make your own vegetable juice. In vegetable juices, everything useful from the vegetables: vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants and fiber. They strengthen your health and prevent disease. Vegetable juices are also excellent fast food. It does not take more than ten minutes to make your own vegetable juice.

Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other useful information that is critical to our health and to prevent and combat serious diseases. While eating the majority with too little fruit and vegetables we eat are often one-sided: tomato, lettuce and cucumber.

To start drinking vegetable juice is an easy way to quickly increase your intake of vegetables. I now cannot live without this juicer as it's the best juicer there is out there!  


Vegetable juices are perfect fast food

It's easy and quick to cook up a vegetable juices and vegetable juices are ready to buy in the stores. Making your own juice does when one is used not more than ten minutes. If you choose a simple vegetable juices are there in two to three minutes.

A vegetable juice is packed with nutrients and is wholesome. They are therefore excellent as fast food, snack and as an adjunct to a larger meal. It's better you choose a vegetable juice than you drink soda, juice or water.


A juicer is good to have

It is easiest to make vegetable juice with a juicer. However, it is even with bar mixes although there may be pieces of the juice.

The type of juicer that you normally use to make vegetable juice is working on a method called the juice extractor. They can extract the juice from almost all vegetables and fruits. They can separate the flesh from the fruit. A juicer with the juice extractor are available from around 300 kr.


A lovely green drink

This vegetable drink is wonderfully green and becomes the germ very wholesome with a lot of protein.

You need a cucumber, four celery stalks, half a large carrot and 100 grams of any germs such as alfalfa. Run in your juicer.

If you prefer, you can spice up the drink with a little black pepper and ginger.

Vegetable juices with vegetables and fruit

Mix two or three carrots, one apple, an avocado and fill with parsley and kale. Can easily be varied with a few beets and less carrots instead.

Vegetable juices with tomatoes

Tomatoes are a classic "vegetable juice". There are many varieties to buy in the stores and most have tasted it at some point. Actually, one should taste like to combine the tomatoes with other vegetables.

This variation is similar to "fit 8 vegetables Mediterranean" is available in stores in taste. Run a can of whole tomatoes, a little onion, a little leek, sellerstjälkar, the juice of one orange or lemon with two carrots. Season with some pepper.

Vegetable juices with fennel, basil and citrus

You mix a fennel stalls, two oranges or any other citrus fruit and a bunch of basil. Citrus Fruit should be peeled before.

The recipe can easily be varied with other herbs that you like.